Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Nutcracker Tradition

Bravo to CU Ballet and Sinfonia de Camera for producing a beautiful and magical holiday tradition for families in Central Illinois!  It was such a treat to see this production over the weekend -- and even more of a joy to watch all the young children enjoying the captivating story, many for the first time. 

The Ellis family started our own Nutcracker tradition in 1986 (when I was 6 & a half ;)) and this chilly time of year has warmed my heart ever since.  My mom, dad and I were living in St. Louis, MO and were still fairly new to the area, without family close by, but nevertheless, we had a festive and beautiful holiday in Layfayette Square.  My dad chose this year to give me... a Nutcracker.  He was a cute little guy, a blue soldier who became my buddy that Winter; carried around like a Barbie doll (even though Nutcrackers are not for playing... they're for cracking nuts...or better yet, to sit on your shelf as a decoration :)). 

He came along with his own story, written by my dad.  --This is where Joe G. introduced the "Nutcracker Names."  You see, along with cracking nuts, fighting rats, dancing with snowflakes & sailing across lemonade seas... Nutcrackers are quite crafty when it comes to arranging letters to create special names for children.  They know how to add just the right amount of letters, meaning and magic.

After the Nutcracker takes hold, my name, Natalie Lynn Ellis (NLE), is gently munched and crunched to become:
What a clever Nutcracker. :) 

The following summer, my dad passed away after a fight with pancreatic cancer, but each subsequent Christmas, there has always been a new Nutcracker waiting from me... and he (or she ;) always knows my name.

My collection has grown each year and now, in addition to the Nutcrackers from my dad, Santa & my mom, there are special new nutcrackers from students and friends who know of my affinity. :)

It is such a joy to be able to share the Nutcrackers with visitors to Class Act in SoDo Theatre -- I invite anyone who is interested to come by our Neil St window and front desk to look (and play-- don't worry, parents - nothing a little hot glue can't fix ;) ... one might even give you your own Nutcracker Name.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Welcome to SoDo

Welcome to SoDo – South Downtown Champaign
SoDo Theatre is a hub for creativity and anchor of Champaign’s SoDo Arts District.  It is home to arts classes, performances, studio space and more!
Wordle: Class Act
114 S Neil houses SoDo Theatre, ArtLab & ArtsLoft; A community of teaching  artists, designers and performers working together to sustain the Arts in downtown Champaign and beyond.